1p - 4p
1000 minutes
8.13 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Grid Movement | Hand Management | Map Addition | Modular Board | Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game | Solo / Solitaire Game | Storytelling | Variable Player Powers
1p - 2p
30 minutes
7.54 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Push Your Luck | Set Collection | Solo / Solitaire Game
1p - 7p
25 minutes
7.02 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Drafting | Highest-Lowest Scoring | Set Collection | Simultaneous Action Selection | Solo / Solitaire Game | Tile Placement
1p - 4p
60 minutes
6.99 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | End Game Bonuses | Hand Management | Income | Ownership | Simulation | Solo / Solitaire Game
1p - 4p
90 minutes
7.54 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Points | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Grid Movement | Map Addition | Modular Board | Multiple Maps | Solo / Solitaire Game | Square Grid | Three Dimensional Movement | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
60 minutes
6.42 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | I Cut, You Choose | Tile Placement
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
1p - 4p
90 minutes
7.56 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | End Game Bonuses | I Cut, You Choose | Increase Value of Unchosen Resources | Pattern Building | Set Collection | Tile Placement | Turn Order: Progressive
Caverna: The Cave Farmers
1p - 7p
210 minutes
8.02 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Automatic Resource Growth | Increase Value of Unchosen Resources | Solo / Solitaire Game | Tile Placement | Turn Order: Claim Action | Worker Placement
1p - 6p
30 minutes
6.19 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Hand Management | Modular Board | Push Your Luck | Solo / Solitaire Game
90 minutes
7.79 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Paper-and-Pencil | Role Playing | Solo / Solitaire Game
Deckscape: Behind the Curtain
1p - 6p
90 minutes
7.01 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Real-Time
30 minutes
7.29 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Solo / Solitaire Game | Worker Placement | Worker Placement with Dice Workers
1p - 4p
60 minutes
6.77 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Take That
1p - 4p
15 minutes
6.12 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Hand Management | Push Your Luck | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
60 minutes
6.72 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Push Your Luck | Rock-Paper-Scissors | Role Playing | Tile Placement | Variable Player Powers
1p - 8p
90 minutes
6.98 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Die Icon Resolution | Modular Board | Re-rolling and Locking | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers
Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove
1p - 4p
30 minutes
6.38 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Modular Board | Player Elimination | Push Your Luck | Take That
1p - 4p
45 minutes
7.59 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Paper-and-Pencil | Push Your Luck | Role Playing | Solo / Solitaire Game | Storytelling
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
1p - 5p
10 minutes
6.99 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Elapsed Real Time Ending | Grid Movement | Modular Board | Push Your Luck | Re-rolling and Locking | Real-Time | Roll / Spin and Move | Solo / Solitaire Game | Tile Placement
Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats
1p - 5p
120 minutes
7.09 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Role Playing | Time Track | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
240 minutes
7.39 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Movement | Card Drafting | Dice Rolling | Pick-up and Deliver | Solo / Solitaire Game | Take That | Trading | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
50 minutes
6.33 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Push Your Luck | Sudden Death Ending
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game
1p - 8p
240 minutes
7.1 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Movement | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Pick-up and Deliver | Push Your Luck | Roll / Spin and Move | Variable Player Powers
25 minutes
7.14 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Hand Management | Push Your Luck | Solo / Solitaire Game
1p - 4p
150 minutes
8.05 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Commodity Speculation | Investment | Set Collection | Solo / Solitaire Game | Worker Placement
1p - 4p
90 minutes
7.37 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Hand Management | Variable Player Powers | Worker Placement
Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game
1p - 5p
90 minutes
7.15 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Solo / Solitaire Game
Legendary Encounters: A Predator Deck Building Game
1p - 5p
45 minutes
7.45 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Cooperative Game | Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Player Elimination
1p - 5p
120 minutes
7.49 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Retrieval | Card Drafting | Hand Management | Race | Resource to Move | Solo / Solitaire Game | Track Movement | Worker Placement
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
1p - 2p
60 minutes
7.65 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Deck Construction | Events | Hand Management | Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Set-up
1p - 5p
90 minutes
7.21 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Drafting | End Game Bonuses | Income | Set Collection | Solo / Solitaire Game | Turn Order: Stat-Based
1p - 2p
15 minutes
7.09 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Cooperative Game | Hand Management | Move Through Deck | Set Collection | Solo / Solitaire Game
1p - 4p
90 minutes
7.52 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Dice Rolling | Drafting | Role Playing | Set Collection | Variable Player Powers
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
1p - 8p
120 minutes
7.72 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Narrative Choice / Paragraph | Solo / Solitaire Game | Storytelling
Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game
1p - 6p
60 minutes
6.99 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Queue | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Hand Management | Move Through Deck | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
45 minutes
8.01 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Cooperative Game | Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Player Elimination | Solo / Solitaire Game | Take That
Star Wars: Battle for Endor
60 minutes
6.11 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Campaign / Battle Card Driven | Dice Rolling | Grid Movement | Hexagon Grid | Simulation
Star Wars: Escape From The Death Star
1p - 4p
60 minutes
5.66 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
1p - 5p
120 minutes
8.01 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling | Die Icon Resolution | Grid Movement | Line of Sight | Modular Board | Role Playing | Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game | Team-Based Game | Variable Player Powers
1p - 3p
40 minutes
6.4 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Queue | Cooperative Game | Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Hand Management
1p - 4p
60 minutes
7.56 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Points | Area Movement | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Pick-up and Deliver | Set Collection | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
30 minutes
6.29 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Points | Area Majority / Influence | Campaign / Battle Card Driven | Cooperative Game | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers
1p - 5p
45 minutes
7.37 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Majority / Influence | Card Drafting | Dice Rolling | End Game Bonuses | Follow | Re-rolling and Locking | Solo / Solitaire Game | Track Movement | Variable Phase Order | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
60 minutes
6.91 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Queue | Area Majority / Influence | Grid Movement | Modular Board | Programmed Movement | Rock-Paper-Scissors | Solo / Solitaire Game | Take That | Variable Player Powers
1p - 4p
60 minutes
7.05 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Movement | Dice Rolling | Modular Board | Push Your Luck
Tiny Epic Zombies: Deluxe Edition
1p - 5p
30 minutes
7.25 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Majority / Influence | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Modular Board | Pick-up and Deliver | Push Your Luck | Team-Based Game | Variable Player Powers
Vast: The Crystal Caverns
1p - 5p
75 minutes
7.17 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Points | Dice Rolling | Grid Movement | Hand Management | Modular Board | Role Playing | Secret Unit Deployment | Tile Placement | Variable Player Powers
1p - 5p
60 minutes
7.07 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Card Drafting | Follow | Hand Management
1p - 4p
120 minutes
7.06 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Hand Management | Push Your Luck | Variable Player Powers