Adam J Purcell

Tabletop Games - Filtered


  1. Publisher = Wargames Club Publishing

Games List

Elder Sign

1p - 8p
90 minutes
6.98 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Die Icon Resolution | Modular Board | Re-rolling and Locking | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers

High Society

3p - 5p
30 minutes
7.06 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding | Auction: Turn Order Until Pass | Constrained Bidding

Munchkin Deluxe

3p - 6p
120 minutes
5.9 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Hand Management | Take That | Variable Player Powers


2p - 4p
45 minutes
7.6 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Points | Cooperative Game | Hand Management | Point to Point Movement | Set Collection | Trading | Variable Player Powers

The Resistance: Avalon

5p - 10p
30 minutes
7.58 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Finale Ending | Hidden Roles | Roles with Asymmetric Information | Simultaneous Action Selection | Team-Based Game | Traitor Game | Variable Player Powers | Voting

Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game

1p - 6p
60 minutes
6.99 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Queue | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Hand Management | Move Through Deck | Solo / Solitaire Game | Variable Player Powers

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

45 minutes
7.69 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Action Queue | Critical Hits and Failures | Dice Rolling | Movement Template | Player Elimination | Simulation | Simultaneous Action Selection | Variable Player Powers