Adam J Purcell

Tabletop Games - Filtered


  1. Family = TV Shows: Firefly

Games List

Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats

1p - 5p
120 minutes
7.09 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Role Playing | Time Track | Variable Player Powers

Firefly Fluxx

2p - 6p
30 minutes
6.68 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Hand Management | Set Collection

Firefly: Fistful of Credits

2p - 4p
60 minutes
5.33 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Hand Management | Roll / Spin and Move

Firefly: The Game

1p - 4p
240 minutes
7.39 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Area Movement | Card Drafting | Dice Rolling | Pick-up and Deliver | Solo / Solitaire Game | Take That | Trading | Variable Player Powers

Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game

1p - 5p
90 minutes
7.15 (BGG average)
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game | Deck, Bag, and Pool Building | Solo / Solitaire Game